Spring Cleaning!
Spring Clean Up was a great success! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time, money and sweat! [gallery ids="1961,1960,1959,1958,1957,1956"]
Spring Clean Up was a great success! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time, money and sweat! [gallery ids="1961,1960,1959,1958,1957,1956"]
On May 14, 2016 join us for the fifth Annual Talahi Trail Run and Adventure Dash! We have three great options for you to support your favorite summer camp and stay in shape at the…
Registration for summer 2015, A Call in the Wilderness is now open! Early registration ends on April 15, 2015 so sign up today and save! Register online by selecting the blue box that says "registration"…
Whew! Another summer has come and gone and it was an amazing one! Over 270 campers came to Camp Talahi this summer, our biggest summer yet! We are so grateful to each camper, parent, grandparent,…
The weather was a little chilly (and a little damp) but we all had a great time at the Third Annual Talahi Trail Run! Thanks to our generous sponsors, volunteers and runners! [gallery type="slideshow" ids="1636,1634,1633,1637,1649,1648,1638,1639,1640,1641,1642,1643,1644,1645,1646,1635,1647,1650"]
We had a great group of volunteers and beautiful weather for the 3rd Annual Spring Clean Up! While we enjoyed the sunshine; leaves were raked, the pavilion cleared out and the craft shed got a…
Time for the Fall Family Fun Fair! Join us for a family friendly afternoon of fun! Ticketed activities will include: Hay Ride Crafts Games A visit from a Mad Scientist And more! All proceeds to benefit the…
Calling all teens! The Camp Talahi Retreat and Nature Center is hosting a Fall Teen Retreat October 11-12 2013! Teen in grades 9-12 are invited to join under the fall foliage for a overnight of…
What a wonderful summer it has been! From Talent shows to swimming in the lake, to dances, the challenges of the Adventure Course, we have had a ball at Camp Talahi these past few weeks.…
I'm glad you asked! A Campership is a donation to enables a child to have life changing experience of attending summer camp. Studies have shown that kids who attend summer camp learn independence, develop self confidence and leadership…
I'm glad you asked! A Campership is a donation to enables a child to have life changing experience of attending summer camp. Studies have shown that kids who attend summer camp learn independence, develop self confidence and…
The second annual Camp Talahi Chili Cook Off was held Sunday, January 20th at St. James UCC in Saline and it was a great success! The winning chili pot came from the Finkbeiner family of…